We can help you learn to fly without fear!

Our next Freedom to Fly Workshop is scheduled to start on
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
at 7:00 p.m.
Registration is now open for the March 2025 Workshop
Click HERE to contact us and register
Don’t let your fears keep you grounded!
The workshop includes four group sessions, three individual sessions and participation in a group graduation flight to Boston.
We meet at Westchester County Airport, White Plains, New York.
Freedom to Fly is a unique program for fearful flyers.
Whether you have not flown in 20 years or whether you fly often but with white knuckles, this workshop can help.
Exposure therapy and CBT are the cornerstones of our program.
- Participants are taught techniques for lowering anxiety levels, and learn to use these in individual sessions with their assigned counselor.
- Sessions are held at Westchester County Airport with the opportunity to experience going through security and boarding a stationary plane (weather dependent).
- After the four group sessions and three hours of individual work sessions, clients and counselors participate in a graduation flight to Boston. This flight together provides an opportunity to put what is learned into practice in a supportive environment.
- Negative and flawed thinking can be replaced by facts about how planes operate and fly, what happens during bad weather and turbulence, how pilots are trained, and why flying is very safe. A commercial airline pilot will spend a session addressing all the issues that concern the fear of flying.
- Our experienced counselors address many of the most common phobias associated with fearful flying including claustrophobia, acrophobia, and panic disorder. This is helpful not only for those with fear of flying, but for many others who also avoid elevators, escalators, bridges, driving, etc.